4 November 2024
Introducing React Flow Components - powered by shadcn CLI

At xyflow we try to pay close attention to the developer experience when using our libraries or our docs: we have a huge collection of examples, tutorials that walk you through development from scratch, and starter apps on CodeSandbox. This great experience starts to fall away once you move to your own apps, though.
Our users have always been excited to show us what they’ve been building, and over time we noticed that many React Flow projects are defining similar components in their flows. This got us thinking: how can we cut down on all the duplicated work folks are doing and make it easier for our users to hit the ground running?
The initial idea: a ui library for React Flow
Our first instinct was to build a companion ui package that provides some pre-built nodes and edges. We had some experience with this in the past, our node resizer component started as a separate package before being brought into the core library.
On the surface this sounds like a great idea, but after a bit of thinking we realised there was a big downside to taking this approach. Compared to similar libraries, React Flow is designed to be fairly low-level and with a high amount of customisability. How would users customise and style components hidden away inside a library?
After some consideration, we decided this approach wasn’t going to work for us for a few reasons:
Building flexible, reusable components that could be styled and used across different apps would be too complex.
If users needed features we didn’t anticipate, they would have to fork the component library and add it themselves; negating a lot of the benefits of us developing a library in the first place.
It’s important that React Flow stays our primary focus, and maintaining a separate component library would take too much time away from the core library.
Shadcn and a new approach to component libraries
Shadcn/ui is a component “library” that has been steadily gaining hype and adoption for some time now. The premise is simple: instead of providing an opaque package of components, shadcn provides the source code for each component and expects you to vendor the code into your own projects. It calls back to the days before npm and bundlers and honestly it can feel quite nice; when we rebuilt our docs site we lent heavily into shadcn for many of our ui components.
This approach felt like it solved a lot of the problems we had with publishing a standalone package, and so at the beginning of the year a handful of us got to work trying to build a collection of components and code snippets that folks could vendor into their own projects.

We spent a while developing this but eventually decided to shelf the project after we were dissatisfied with some of the compromises we ended up making along the way.
The biggest open-ended question we kept running into was what to do about styling. On the one hand we wanted to provide components that were easy to use and looked good out of the box, but on the other hand we couldn’t make any assumptions about what styling approach folks would be taking and we couldn’t easily pull in external dependencies without making the installation process confusing.
Although we had benched the idea, it was a frequent topic of conversation in our team meetings. We knew the value of shipping something would be high, we just couldn’t work out how…
A new hope: the shadcn CLI
Shadcn has had a simple CLI to install their components into your codebase for a while now, but more recently the CLI was given the ability to install external components as long as they followed a simple JSON schema.
This solved a bunch of problems for us:
All shadcn components use Tailwind CSS, so we can add styles to our components without needing to worry about the user installing additional dependencies.
Shadcn components can depend on other shadcn components, so we can build out more sophisticated components that take advantage on the great collection of shadcn components that already exist.
These components are vendored into the user’s codebase meaning we don’t need to worry about covering every single use case or feature request: folks can implement what they need!
Introducing React Flow Components
This was the kick we needed to jump into the project again. We’ve been working hard to build out a collection of initial components that we think will make it easier for folks to put together React Flow projects going forward. Some interesting components from the initial set include:
- A database schema node that makes it easy to visualise tables and relationships between columns.
- A zoom slider for more convenient control over the viewport zoom level.
- Debugging components that make it easier to inspect a node’s properties and the state of your flow.
We’ve also laid the foundation to build out more advanced components in the future. We’re still not sure if this is something we’re going to commit to, so please try out the components and let us know what you think! You can find the documentation for these components and a brief guide on how to install them by heading over to reactflow.dev/components, or you can learn more about shadcn and the CLI over on their docs.
We’re excited to see what you build with these components, and we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback! Please open issues on our web repo if you run into any problems or have any suggestions for new components, and definitely tweet at us at @xyflowdev if you build something cool with them!
15 March 2022
Releasing React Flow 10 and React Flow Pro

Almost two years ago we open sourced React Flow that was built for our flow-based data processing tool Datablocks. Since then we invested more and more time in React Flow and it got a lot of traction (25k+ website visitors per month, 9k+ stars on Github, 1k+ Discord members, 100k+ weekly downloads on npm).
Read more9 July 2024
React Flow 12 release

The scoop on our latest release with Server side rendering, computing flows, dark mode, better developer experience with TSDoc, and more
Read more